Grant Application

Limited school budgets, logistical challenges, and other factors make it difficult for educators to access the types of educational experiences, activities, and opportunities they seek for themselves and their students. The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles offers grant funding to support vibrant and robust Ethnic Studies teaching and learning. Funds can be requested for the following: professional development, curriculum workshops, class field trips, guest speakers, classroom learning materials, and other items or experiences that help foster a positive Ethnic Studies education by implementing the resources shared on this website.

Application Criteria:

  • You are employed at a public high school within Los Angeles County.
  • You teach a course that fulfills the Ethnic Studies high school graduation requirement.
  • Your funding request is tied to implementation of the resources shared on

Each educator is allowed to apply for and receive a maximum of two grants each year. Final grant amounts will be determined by total budget and total number of applications.  Reach out to for any questions.   To apply for a grant, fill out the form below.

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